“Thinking Fast and Slow”: Book #35 of 2023
By Daniel Kahneman 418 pages Published in 2011 Non-Fiction/Psychology 3.5/5 stars (medium neat)
Not a lot to say about this book beyond the quotes I highlighted. I thought the concept of System 1 and System 2 thinking was interesting and makes sense. The first couple chapters had my attention but it wained after that and felt repetitive. It covers the vast amount of research Kahneman has done, but typically the results of the studies and what they said about the way people think didn't surprise me. It took me a while to get through this book and I had to switch from the physical/ebook to an audiobook to get through it without falling asleep.
“You think with your body, not only with your brain.”
“[Kathleen Vohs'] findings suggest that living in a culture that surrounds us with reminders of money may shape our behavior and our attitudes in ways that we do not know about and of which we may not be proud. Some cultures provide frequent reminders of respect, others constantly remind their members of God, and some societies prime obedience by large images of the Dear Leader.”
“If possible the recipients of your message want to stay away from anything that reminds them of effort, including a source with a complicated name.”
“When we are uncomfortable and unhappy, we lose touch with our intuition...When in a good mood, people become more intuitive and more creative but less vigilant and more prone to logical errors.”